Home Remedy To Use and Say Goodbye to Cholesterol Liver Problems and Eliminate Accumulated Fat

Coriander is a one-year herbaceous plant from 50 to 80 cm high. The trunk is naked and branched at the top. The lower leaves are large, round, in long stems and very chopped, and the upper ones are smaller, feathered and divided. The flowers are white, made up of tiny flowers. The fruit is round (composed of two symmetrical fruits that are firmly connected). Flowers at the beginning of the summer. It is sown in March or April. It is a slant in the summer before the sun goes out, while there is still dew. The coriander does not select the soil, but it succeeds better on the charcoal, fine, friable, warm and good land that is located on the sunny side. Chemical composition: Contains essential oil, fatty oil, and protein. Our bred crispy coriander has about 1 percent essential oil.

Coriander oil is the main source of linalool. In the oil, there is also pinot, borneol, geraniol and other. The oil obtained by distillation from unripe fruits has an unpleasant smell of insects. The mature fruits of the coriander have a mild-flavored flavor with a strong aroma. They contain 0.2 to 0.4 percent essential oil, the main component of which is linalool. Medicinal properties: The fresh leaves and the stem of the coriander or the juice of fresh leaves and stems act mesmerizing. It enters the composition of Aqva carminative and Spiritus aromatics. Essential oil causes a kind of drunkenness and deep sleep. Coriander most consumers the industry for liquor, bakery, sweets, and beer, and much is consumed as a substitute for pepper. Linalool is used for the production of linalool acetate. The oil is also used as a substitute for lavender and bergamot oil.

The essential medicinal properties of coriander are

As a means of sweating, a wetting agent, against gases, a stimulant. Coriander is recommended against the laziness of the organs for indigestion, vomiting, sore throat, burns. Also, it is used for lowering cholesterol. for burning fat, and fixing liver problems.

Coriander effectively improves digestion, unlike pepper, ginger, cinnamon, a synod. But the coriander is greatly combined with cumin, cumin, fennel; improves their healing properties.

Some phytotherapists recommend that the coriander is used as a painkiller for gastritis, stomach ulcer, and duodenal ulcer. It is also useful against the increased heartbeat, reduces thirst, stops vomiting. Fresh herbal juice should be used three times a day for allergies, hay fever, and bronchial skin, and also externally for itching and inflammation of the skin.

For the treatment of wounds and ulcers, coriander powders can be used, and also hot rinse tea for angina, tonsillitis, stomatitis.