Russian Doctor Explains The Definitive Way To Cure Vision Problems Naturally

Fortunately, there are those who still stop in the study and investigation of very simple things that we already know very well.

This is the case of aloe vera or aloe which is a plant that has been around for a long time but scientists are still investigating given its quantity of properties and health benefits.

Aloe vera fulfills many functions such as protective of the digestive system, the liver, the skin and although you do not believe it, also Vision Problems.

This wonderful gel that we obtain from a plant that does not require much care and that we can grow in any pot comes to join with other ingredients that are part of the list of super foods and together they compose the ingredients for a recipe that will help you conserve the view and even improve it.


-100 gr. of aloe vera gel

-500 gr. of ground nuts

-250 gr. of honey

– Juice of 4 lemons


Cut the most fleshy parts of the aloe vera branches, remove the edges with thorns, and boil them.

When the leaves are tender, strain and chop finely.
Keep the leaves refrigerated for 1 week, remove the gel from the inside and blend with the rest of the ingredients.


Consume 2 tablespoons of this preparation half an hour before each meal for 15 days.