You Know Honey Is Healthy But Did You Know It Is Dangerous To Consume Honey This Way? I Didn’t

Honey is the only natural product on Earth that doesn’t expire. However, you should be careful, how you store the honey, or with what type of spoon do you take it. We are going to present the right way to consume honey and how to not lose its healing properties.

Honey storage containers

You need to know that when touching honey with metal, a reaction to organic acids and metals (iron, zinc) results in the formation of compounds that are harmful to human health, and at the same time destroy vitamins in the honey. Therefore, you should be careful not to damage the enamel. It is forbidden to keep honey in zinc or in an iron bowl as toxic substances are created. If the honey is stored in a copper bowl, it becomes blue and iron is dark red. The medication should not be stored in vessels of artificial materials; it should not be heated because it destroys its nutrients. Color changes – honey darkens, flavor disappears, bacterial properties, vitamins, enzymes. So at a higher temperature, there is a partial breakdown of sugar, and honey loses biological and other healing properties.

Studies have shown that honey should not be heated at all, not even stored at a temperature higher than 20 degrees Celsius.

If you choke for more than a year, it gradually loses its biological activity. For example, if you store honey at a temperature of 23 to 28 degrees Celsius for a period of 8 to 12 months, it reduces its antibacterial properties. The amount of glucose and fructose falls from 5 to 10 percent, vitamins B1, B2 and C vitamin are reduced by 10-20 percent and increases sucrose and acids. The higher the temperature at which the honey is stored, the more it loses its healing properties.

It is recommended that honey is used melted in warm milk, natural juice, tea or water.

When honey is used melted, its ingredients quickly penetrate the body and tissue. To feel the effectiveness of honey in recovery and revitalization of the fatigued organism, especially after great effort or stress, the honey should be kept in the mouth for longer to help the sublingual glands to penetrate the bloodstream more quickly and compensate for the energy consumed. In this way, it helps the heel that suffers from hypoglycemia.

You should not  exaggerated with the amount of honey intake, but  adjust according to the needs of the organism.

The amount of honey for adults is 60 to 100 grams, divided into 3 parts during the day. In the morning 30-35 grams, during the day 40 grams, at night before bedtime 25-30 grams.

The amount for children younger than 10 years is 30 grams, three times a day, and for very young children we recommend in very small quantities, and as a sweetener.