Rare Australian Tree Contains Cancer-Killing Properties, Used in the Aboriginal Medicine for Centuries

It was said before that no matter what disease is upon the Earth, there is always a plant close to it that treats it. Sometimes it is just waiting to be discovered – at least, by modern scientists.

The traditional medicine people from the native cultures have been aware of these cures for centuries. And every place on Earth has all kinds of plants that fit in with its environment. When it comes to cancer healing remedies, Native Americans have chokecherry pudding, the Chinese have artemisinin, and Aboriginal Australians make use of the rare gumby gumby (also spelled gumbi gumbi) tree, or Pittosporum phylliraeoides.

There can be more than a dozen of different varieties of this tree, but only the top six can be used for the medicinal properties.Pittosporum phylliraeoides is considered to be number one because it is the traditional one. However, it is rare to find today, so it is very highly prized.

From what the Aboriginals, and people who have used it are telling the world: from regaining energy and life vitality to treating cancer – the original gumby gumby is worth finding.

Gumby Gumby Uses from the Aboriginal Medicine Men

Research documents that the Aboriginals have been using this plant for all kinds of ailments like cancers, psoriasis, and varicose veins.

The leaves, seeds, fruit pulp, and wood have been traditionally used for bruises, muscle aches, sprains and cramps. Gumby gumby infusions have been made for cold and coughs, as well as inducing lactation. And the fruit is used both internally and externally for skin problems such as eczema.

Many have hold on to the recipe from their ancestors and have continued to make the same remedies today. One of the medicine men, Tim Kemp, was 91 years old at the time of his interview in 2013, but looked a few decades younger.

His son Steve and he are from the Aboriginal community of Woorabinda in Queensland, Australia. Together they create herbal remedies for any ailment from colds to cancers, and the gumby gumby tree is a common ingredient in many of theirs elixirs. Gumby gumby has been tested for tens of thousands of people, and they want to keep this remedy known today.

Listen to the interview of Steve and Tim by ABC Open Capricornia below:

A differwnt interview shows Steve gathering and using gumby gumby leaves and berries:

Gumby Gumby and Cancer – What the Science Says

Today, the knowledge of gumby gumby and the medicinal uses it has have started to make it around the world. Scientific communities have also begun performing studies, something that has not been done previously.

The most important claim that gumby gumby may help treat cancer has been so far supported by the studies that have been done.

When the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology at a German university studied gumby gumby, they found therapeutic benefits of this plant for cancer patients. At least in the lab, gumby gumby suppressed tumor cells from growing. It also acted as an immune system stimulant.

“The extract of Gumby Gumby leaves is a very potent anti-cancer agent. It is very potent against human tumor cells. Further investigation and research is required to identify the actual element responsible,” the study concluded.

In laboratory tests rats with cancer showed improvement when given gumby gumby extract.

As far as personal experiences go, many people have incorporated gumby gumby into their cancer treatment, and it has been promoted by CanSurvive Research Association of Australia, which focuses on holistic treatment of cancer.

There are not many stories out there yet, as the plant is not as known worldwide, but their number is growing.