This is What Happens if You Eat Honey and Cinnamon Daily

Imagine a scenario where I let you know there are numerous non-poisonous, modest, and compelling growth treatment protocols the medicinal modern complex is smothering, in light of the fact that malignancy treatment is a Big Pharma/AMA trillion dollar money dairy animals.

Dr. John Diamond, M.D. revealed, “A investigation of more than 10,000 patients indicates plainly that chemo’s as far as anyone knows solid reputation with Hodgkin’s infection (lymphoma) is really a lie. Patients who experienced chemo were 14 times more prone to create leukemia and 6 times more inclined to create tumors of the bones, joints, and delicate tissues than those patients who did not experience chemotherapy.”

Dr. Glenn Warner, now expired, was an exceptionally qualified malignancy pro utilized non-poisonous, elective disease medicines on his patients with incredible achievement. Prior to his demise in 2000 he broadly jested: “We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is murdering individuals, right and left, only for monetary profit. Their concept of research is to see whether two measurements of this toxic substance is superior to three dosages of that toxic substance.”


Is genuine crude nectar a compelling hostile to tumor specialist? As indicated by the book: Honey Revolution by Dr Ron Fessenden, the flower flavonoids in nectar contains bio-flavonoids,  that are basically cell reinforcements. Whenever ingested, these flavonoids demonstration rapidly to build cancer prevention agent cell levels and “abatement hairlike porousness and delicacy. They search oxidants and repress the obliteration of collagen in the body.”

Enormous Pharma thinks about intensity of crude nectar’s verdure flavones and their capacity to destroy free radicals and reinforcing invulnerability. Truth be told, the pharmaceutical monsters are presently contributing a huge number of dollars just to create and patent engineered variants of these flavones.

An ongoing report distributed in the journal Molecules, “Impacts of Honey and Its Mechanisms of Action on the Development and Progression of Cancer” expressed:

“Nectar is profoundly cytotoxic against tumor or malignancy cells while it is non-cytotoxic to typical cells. The information demonstrate that nectar can restrain carcinogenesis by adjusting the sub-atomic procedures of commencement, advancement, and movement stages. Subsequently, it might fill in as a potential and promising anticancer specialist which warrants encourage test and clinical examinations.”

Systems BEHIND HONEY’S ANTI-CANCER PROPERTIES) Cell Cycle Arrest: Cancer cell replication is ceased.

2) Activation of the Mitochondrial Pathway: Flavonoids can initiate mitochondrial pathways and evacuate proteins like cytochrome C which are viewed as potential cytotoxic (cell executing) specialists.

3) Induction of Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Permeabilization (MOMP): Honey causes the MOMP or a “spillage of intermembrane space proteins into the cytosol” which prompts the passing of cancer-causing cells.

4) Induction of Programmed Cell Death (Apoptosis): Activates “cell demise programming” to ensures against malignancy.

5) Modulation of Oxidative Stress: Honey can go about as a cell reinforcement subsequently limiting oxidative pressure, which has been connected to malignancy.

6) Amelioration of Inflammation: Honey goes about as a mitigating. Interminable aggravation has been connected to tumor.

7) Modulation of Insulin Signaling: Cancer has been gotten a kick out of the chance to insulin opposition. Nectar can decrease insulin opposition subsequently lessening disease chance.

8) Inhibition of Angiogenesis: Honey can prevent tumors from making their own particular blood supply by repressing angiogenesis (the creation of another blood supply vessels.


A recent report distributed by specialists at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Maryland made a fairly astonishing disclosure. The normal kitchen flavor cinnamon goes about as a solution and can murder disease cells.

In the USDA cinnamon think about the scientists utilized a water-dissolvable, powdered concentrate of cinnamon bark, which they infused into developing disease cell societies. Regularly for such investigations, researchers use cell lines that are either genuine disease cells appropriately kept up for lab utilize, or they make malignancy cells by means of different synthetic compounds, radiation or infections.


For this investigation three kinds of human growth cells were utilized: two leukemia and one lymphoma cell line.  Leukemia shows as a multiplication of dangerous platelets called leukocytes though lymphoma is the threatening attack of lymphocytes a sort of lymph cell. The method of reasoning behind the investigation was to decide whether the cinnamon concentrate could end the movement of these growth cells in vitro and if so precisely how it was proficient.