The classic concept of a vitamin is a molecule that is vital, but the body can not synthesize it at all, at least in sufficient quantity, so it is necessary to bring it out. In this case, vitamin D does not fully meet the definition, because under the action of ultraviolet rays it is synthesized in the skin.
Its importance is known for the health of bones, teeth and muscles . But these classic concepts have greatly enriched in recent years. Its value is complemented by its role in the prevention of bacterial and viral infections, degenerative processes, tumorigenesis.
Data from different studies have shown an improvement in the condition of patients with schizophrenia who received vitamin D in therapy . Studies of spring fatigue have shown that in patients where symptoms are pronounced and they interfere with day-to-day activity, very low levels of vitamin D – significantly below the lower reference limit.
The main reason for this is the reduced sunshine and sun exposure during the winter months, which is a major factor in the synthesis of vitamin D in the body.
The worst condition is the deficit – less than 25 nmol / l. Expressed deficiency is between 25-50 nmol / l. For the condition of a necessary and sufficient amount in the body is taken from 80 to 250 moles / l in the absence of tumor, autoimmune and chronic infectious diseases, where higher upper limit values are recommended.
During the warm months to get the vitamin is enough sun exposure within 20-30 minutes, at least 5 days a week. It is important that the skin is in direct contact with the sun’s rays and not through the glass of the windows.
The food delivers up to 5-10% of the required daily amount. In the months of reduced sunshine from November to April, supplementation is recommended – the addition of vitamin D supplements. Its lowest values are in March and April, which is associated with spring fatigue and the more pronounced susceptibility of the immune system to infections.