Many people have problems with shortness of breath or apnea. If you are one of them you need to try these remedies.
The first remedy for shortness of breath:
With a grinding machine, grind five lemons (with the peels, but without seeds) and five cloves of garlic. Add half a liter of honey. Leave this mixture in a dark place with occasionally shaking the container. Consume four teaspoons once a day with interruptions of one minute between tablespoons, and hold the mixture in the mouth as long as you can. Do not skip the days during treatment. This mixture is sufficient for a month. If breath loss (shortness of breath) is associated with age, then the amount of ingredients needs to be doubled.
The anti-breathing agent rejuvenates the blood. This is especially recommended for older people who have a pound of excess:
Four hundred grams of garlic to be milled with a meat grinder and squeeze the 24 lemons in juice. Mix the juice and garlic, place the mixture in a glass jar with a large throat. Cover the jar with the gauze and let the mixture stand for 24 days. Before use, the mixture should be well mixed. Consume one teaspoon of this mixture mixed with half a glass of water before going to bed. This helps with sleep apnea. After 10 to 14 days, fatigue will disappear, the serenity will appear and you will sleep much better.