If You Have Hypertensive Crisis Take This Tomato Juice With Lemon And Pumpkin

It should be noted that cardiovascular disease, as well as excessive obesity, require a restriction in the use of cooking salt. But sometimes we want something salty. What to do? The answer is simple – prepare one cup of fresh tomato juice mixed with a few teaspoons of lemon juice. This way, you will not only satisfy the need for salt but with the stabilization of the blood flow will make it easier for the muscles of the heart.

To those who are not afraid of experiments, we advise them to try the following medicinal – dietary potion.


1 – 2 cups pumpkin juice, 2-3 tablespoons tomato juice, juice of 1-2 lemons. Mix juice with pumpkin juice with tomato juice and lemon juice. Drink this medicine for 1 cup a day, preferably after a meal.

This potion is also used as a means of urinating in the presence of swelling caused by cardiac and renal diseases. In addition, this cocktail of natural juices greatly extinguishes the thirst. In general, potions in which the pumpkin juice enters favorably affect the heart, as well as the liver. Pumpkin juice, besides all, is a great tool against temperature. And there is also a slowing effect that is especially important for severe heart disease.