The most useful heart food: Nuts

Regular consumption of nuts has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the heart. A recent study develops this view to the extent that it defines nuts as the most beneficial for heartburn. Scientists have found that only 3-4 servings of nuts per week can contribute to significantly reducing the risk of heartbeat and preventing conditions such as bradycardia and tachycardia.

The study is very useful in terms of giving very specific data on the benefits of nuts. They have long been known as heart-friendly natural products, but we can now tell you exactly what the benefits of regular consumption are related to.

Survey data collected in Sweden after tracing 61,000 people over the age of 45. Statistics show that this is a borderline age over which heart rate rhythm disorders are most commonly found.

Scientists find that the more often nuts are consumed, the lower the risk of similar heart problems. One to three portions of nuts per week help reduce the risk by about 3%. Up to about 12% achieves a reduction in this risk in people who consume nuts once or twice a week. Even more frequent eating of this type of food can reduce the risk of heart rhythm disorders by over 20%.

Nuts are among the richest sources of unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, potassium, selenium and other important trace elements and powerful antioxidants. According to scientists, nuts are among the very few food products that contain a combination of all these bioactive substances that are important for cardiac activity.

Although they have a direct beneficial effect on cardiac activity, kernels can also provide comprehensive cardiovascular health for the long term. It has been found that, in addition to reducing the risk of heart rhythm disturbances, they also help prevent various cardiovascular conditions such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and the most severe complications – heart attack and stroke.

According to statistics, only about 5% of people consume raw nuts at the recommended doses. Experts believe that even a small increase in the amount of nuts in our menu can bring lasting benefits to reduce the risk of heart rhythm disturbances and overall cardiovascular erection at times when these health problems are at the forefront of the world’s population.